Bluebell BN380H - 4K HDMI Fibre Extender Set



4K HDMI fibre extender set. Includes TX and RX pair over Duplex LC SM fibre.Supports HDMI...
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Prix Visuals :

1 973,40 CHF

2 133,25 CHF TTC  

Garantie : garantie Garantie Visuals 60 mois
Service interne : révision, réparation & backup.

Disponibilité : clock

Délai habituel entre 2 et 3 semaines

Commandez maintenant, nous vous livrons dès que possible ou
contactez-nous pour connaitre les alternatives 022 561 07 07.

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En savoir plus  
Bluebell 4K HDMI Fibre Extender Set

4K HDR HDMI to optical converter The BN380H 4K HDR HDMI extender sends your HDMI signal in Ultra-HD 4K2K@60/50 format over an optical link up to 10km using single mode fiber optic cable. Users can easily extend Ultra-HD signals from a variety of sources to distant display monitors.


- Support for 4K2K@60/50 4:4:4 8bit 594MHz

- Support for HDR 4K2K@60/50 4:2:0 10bit 384MHz

- Support HDCP2.2

- Extend HDMI signals up to 10km (6.25miles) over single mode fiber optic cables

- Uncompressed video and audio for no quality loss

- Link LED indicator light

- Wall-mount housing designed for easy and robust installation
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  • GE : + 41 22 561 07 07
  • ZH : + 41 43 255 59 00
  • TI   : + 41 91 985 25 11
