Sound-Devices MP-1 - Mikrofon Pre-Amps



Portable, single channel microphone preamplifier, with phantom, limiter, and high-pass...
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Prix Visuals :

711,38 CHF


Garantie : garantie Garantie Visuals 24 mois
Service interne : révision, réparation & backup.

Disponibilité : clock

Délai de livraison habituel 4 semaines

Commandez maintenant, nous vous livrons dès que possible ou
contactez-nous pour connaitre les alternatives 022 561 07 07.

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En savoir plus  

The MP-1 from Sound Devices is a portable, battery-powered

microphone preamplifier with phantom power. Designed

for high-definition field production, this studio-quality mic pre

is ideal for critical radio, television and film-production applications.

With its rugged mechanical and electrical construction,

compact size and high-quality components, the MP-1 is

extremely durable and easy to use. This highly reliable mic

preamp will provide years of superb audio performance

under the most punishing field conditions.

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  • GE : + 41 22 561 07 07
  • ZH : + 41 43 255 59 00
  • TI   : + 41 91 985 25 11
