Sony DC-78 - Battery Power Unit



DC-78 electret battery power unit for ECM-Series microphone with SCM-connector (ECM-44,...
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Prix constructeur :
204,82 CHF HT

Prix Visuals :

194,58 CHF


Garantie : garantie Garantie Visuals 24 mois
Service interne : révision, réparation & backup.

Disponibilité : clock Délai habituel entre 2 et 4 semaines

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En savoir plus  

The Sony DC-78 is an in-line phantom power supply unit for use with the Sony ECM-88 lavalier microphone. The input end features the Sony SMC 9-4P connection and a standard 3-pin XLR-male output. The power supply is capable of supplying 12V DC to 48V DC phantom power from an external source or 1.5V DC with a standard AA alkaline battery.

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