Zeiss 1957-564 - CP.2 1.5/85 T - Metric Super Speed - E MOUNT



CP.2 1.5/85 T* - Metric Super Speed - E MOUNT
Prix constructeur :
3 217,50 CHF HT

Prix Visuals :

3 120,98 CHF


Garantie : garantie Garantie Visuals 24 mois
Service interne : révision, réparation & backup.

Disponibilité : clock

Délai habituel 5 semaines

Commandez maintenant, nous vous livrons dès que possible ou
contactez-nous pour connaitre les alternatives 022 561 07 07.

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En savoir plus  

The Compact Prime CP.2 lenses are the world’s first cine lenses designed for all types of cameras (HDSLR to high-end digital movie cameras). The interchangeable mount guarantees high flexibility for present and future use in any situation and for a wide range of camera platforms. Allows a mix of HDSLR systems with professional cine cameras, for maximum flexibility on set. No need for adapter solutions anymore. Five different mounts available (PL, EF, F, Micro 4/3 and E mount).

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  • GE : + 41 22 561 07 07
  • ZH : + 41 43 255 59 00
  • TI   : + 41 91 985 25 11
