Au service des professionnels et passionnés
The Reflecmedia Deskshoot Bundle is a lightweight adjustable cradle,
which allows a Reflecmedia LiteRing to be attached to almost any
digital still camera or DV, Broadcast or HD Cameras, without the need
for further lens adapters. The Deskshoot provides the background.
The LiteRing has a series of LEDs (Blue or Green versions available),
which generate the proper light to illuminate the Chromatte background
for accurate and pleasing chroma key values.
Deskshoot provides fully functional chromakey facilities in a truly portable way.
Deskshoot fabric is the most portable form, making it easier and more affordable
than ever to take chroma key production out of the studio and into any controlled
lighting environment. The results are as good as those achieved in a dedicated
studio, but this way you can take your chroma key studio wherever you go.