Au service des professionnels et passionnés
Reflecmedia RM 1202 (RM1202) Small Studio
separate 4m x 3m (12ft x 10ft) Chromatte drape
Chromatte is a fabric designed specifically for use
as a background for chroma key production.
Unlike conventional chroma key fabrics that are usually
blue or green in colour, in ambient light Chromatte is grey to the eye.
The fabric contains millions of tiny glass beads that act as reflectors:
when any light - such as the directional light from Reflecmedia's
lens-mounted LiteRing hits the fabric, it is returned on the same
path back into the camera's lens. This retro-reflectice process means
the camera 'sees' the apparently grey fabric as a perfectly even
blue or green background.
Chromatte Drapes :
Chromatte is available in a range of standard size or custom
produced studio drapes, where the fabric is backed with a
black light-proof drape and hemmed with eyelets across the
top for easy hanging from studio track or rail.