Reflecmedia RM 1201 - Wideshot separate



2.1m x 3.75m (7 x 12) Chromatte drape

Prix Visuals :

2 242,50 CHF


Garantie : garantie Garantie Visuals 24 mois
Service interne : révision, réparation & backup.

Disponibilité : clock Délai habituel entre 2 et 3 semaines
Commandez maintenant, nous vous livrons dès que possible ou
contactez-nous pour connaitre les alternatives 022 561 07 07.

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En savoir plus  

Product Highlights

- Easy to Use
- Lightweight, Portable
- Flexible - Adapts to Color of LiteRing


Reflecmedia Chromatte material is manufactured for Reflecmedia by Lastolite Limited - one of the world's leading producers of collapsible screens for the video and photographic industries. It is typically used as a background for chromakey.

The shaped glass beads on the reflective Chromatte background reflect back LED Lights along the same axis (angle) toward, and into the camera lens. The material looks grey to the eye; when lit by an LED LiteRing, it will adapt the color of the LED's.

- Easy to set up and use
- Can be used in studio or in the field



- Not Applicable


- 12x7' (3.7 x 2.1 m)

in the box

- Storage Bag

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    Besoin d'un financement,
    Appellez-nous !

  • GE : + 41 22 561 07 07
  • ZH : + 41 43 255 59 00
  • TI   : + 41 91 985 25 11
