Hawkwoods I-PW5 - Power-Con 2-pin (male) - USBC 40cm 5v length



Power-Con 2-pin (male) - USBC 40cm 5v length
Prix constructeur :
89,70 CHF HT

Prix Visuals :

67,28 CHF

72,72 CHF TTC  

Garantie : garantie Garantie Visuals 24 mois
Service interne : révision, réparation & backup.

Disponibilité : clock 10 pièce(s) en stock

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En savoir plus  
Hawkwoods Power-Con 2-Pin (Male) - USBC 40cm 5V Length

The I-PW5 provides a regulated 5 volts from a power-con(D-Tap) connector terminating in a USB-C connector. At 5 volts this cable is ideal for mobile phone charging and 5 volt audio/cine equipment.


- Type: USB

- Input: Power-con 2pin Male

- Output: USB Male 5v Reg

- Number of USB-C: 1
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