Kinoflo - FreeStyle/4 to FreeStyle/1 Splitter

Kinoflo X12-A4 - FreeStyle/4 to FreeStyle/1 Splitter



Kinoflo X12-A4 - FreeStyle/4 to FreeStyle/1 Splitter
The 4-to-1 Splitter for FreeStyle T44 Light from Kino Flo has a single connector for the...
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Kinoflo FreeStyle/4 to FreeStyle/1 Splitter

The 4-to-1 Splitter for FreeStyle T44 Light from Kino Flo has a single connector for the controller that splits into four cables with female connections so that the T44's LED tubes can be attached and run without the shell components. Each of the four connectors can be attached to a 25' extension cable for extra distance from the controller.

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