Blueshape CCPACK - Protection contact cover (bags of 10 units)



protection contact cover (bags of 10 units)

Prix Visuals :

38,03 CHF

41,11 CHF TTC  

Garantie : garantie Garantie Visuals 24 mois
Service interne : révision, réparation & backup.

Disponibilité : clock 2 pièce(s) en stock

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En savoir plus  

The CONTACT COVER is the ultimate protection against short circuit of the contacts for safer Li-Ion battery transport, according to the latest IATA regulations.

This cover does exactly what it says and makes it virtually impossible for a short between the terminals to occur during transport.

This is our latest enhancement in our list of safety features that give maximum protection, especially important during air transport.

Fits on mostly any V-Lock battery contact block.

Bags of 10pcs of spare CONTACT COVERS.

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  • GE : + 41 22 561 07 07
  • ZH : + 41 43 255 59 00
  • TI   : + 41 91 985 25 11
