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Transflective display unit of UDM-1. Proposed mounting option (to be ordered se PARately): Universal Mounting Arm UMA-120 (K2.65020.0)
Power supply cable. Connects the CAM (4p) connector on the UDM-1 to D-Tap power source. Length: 0.8m/2.6ft.
Cable UDM to RS - Connects UDM-1 sensor unit to Arri RS connector. Length: 1,5m/5ft.
Cable UDM to UMC - Connects UDM-1 display unit to UDM-1 sensor unit. Length: 1,5m/5ft.
Cable UDM to ALEXA - Connects UDM-1 display unit to UDM-1 sensor unit. Length: 1,5m/5ft.
Connects UDM-1 to RIA-1. Length: 0.8m/2.6ft
Connects UDM-1 to RIA-1. Length: 0.5m/1.6ft