WATERBIRD-SYSTEMS produces innovative- and lightweight curved and linear camera sliders and further film supporting gear, developed and designed by professional cameramen.
WATERBIRD-SYSTEMS produces innovative- and lightweight curved and linear camera sliders and further film supporting gear, developed and designed by professional cameramen.
200 cm (170 cm effective length), 79 inches (67 inches effective length), XL Motion Controller
150 cm (120 cm effective length), 49 inches (47 inches effective length), XL Motion Controller
200 cm (170 cm effective length), 79 inches (67 inches effective length), Standard Control Unit
Carriage including XL Motion Controller, Motor, Belt, Timing Belt Pulley, Ball Bearings
150 cm (120 cm effective length), 49 inches (47 inches effective length), Standard Control Unit
150 cm (120 cm effective length), 49 inches (47 inches effective length)
Custom-made for Photogrammetry use
120 cm (90 cm effective length), 47 inches (35,5 inches effective length)
150 cm (120 cm effective length), 59 inches (47 inches effective length)
Price per meter or 39,37 inches
80 cm (50 cm effective length), 31,5 inches (20 inches effective length)
Joystick Set, including HMI Control Unit
120 cm (90 cm effective length), 47 inches (35,5 inches effective length)
Pedal Set, including HMI Control Unit
80 cm (50 cm effective length), 31,5 inches (20 inches effective length)
HMI Control Unit
XL Motion Controller
Price per extra meter or 39,37 inches including custom made rails, belt and break
Control Unit Kit for Multi Slider (not Multi Slider XL) including Camera Cable (choose option), Mobile App (no mobile phone included), Motor, Belt and Timing Belt Pulley
Battery Pack for MS Swift and MS XL
Control Unit for Multi Slider (not Multi Slider XL) including Camera Cable (choose option) and Mobile App (no mobile phone included)
For mounting the MS XL
Control Unit for MS SWIFT (not Multi Slider XL) including Camera Cable (choose option) and Mobile App (no mobile phone included)
Power Supply
Charging Station for Large Battery Pack
Battery Pack
Camera trigger cables for connecting control unit to Samsung
Camera trigger cables for connecting control unit to Sony
Camera trigger cables for connecting control unit to Panasonic
Camera trigger cables for connecting control unit to Olympus
Camera trigger cables for connecting control unit to Nikon
Camera trigger cables for connecting control unit to Fuji
Camera trigger cables for connecting control unit to Nikon
Camera trigger cables for connecting control unit to Nikon
Camera trigger cables for connecting control unit to Fuji
Camera trigger cables for connecting control unit to Canon
Camera trigger cables for connecting control unit to Canon
Camera trigger cables for connecting control unit to Sony