The TBUS-10xl is the enclosure of a new modular system with a manually retracting lid.
A complete TBUS system requires the enclosure, an inner frame, a power socket, inserts and a power cord.
NOTE: The TBUS enclosure, inner frame, power socket(s), power cord & inserts are purchased separately.
Cover - Manually opens & closes.
Inner Frames - T10F−22M can accommodate a combination of up to 2 power sockets, 2 inserts, 1 opening for a Kramer MegaTOOL SID−X1N; T10F−33 contains 3 power sockets and 3 inserts.
Power Sockets - 11 different "TS" single and 10 dual power socket options are available to accommodate the power requirements worldwide.
Power Cord - 8 different "C−AC" single power cords (and 3 "Y" power cords) for each power socket. UL and CE qualified.
Connector Depth - Adjustable.
Installation Requirement - Table cutout of 245mm x 154mm (9.65" x 6.07").
Dimensions - Top plate: 171.6mm x 261mm (6.8" x 10.3") W, D.
Weight - TBUS−10xl: 1.35kg (2.8lbs) approx.; table clamps: 0.25kg (0.6lbs) approx.
Accessories - TBUS clamps (part of the TBUS enclosure), cut−out template, template screws, self−locking ties.
Options - Inner frames, passive wall plates and interfaces, power socket kits, power cord, T−2INSERT kit, T−RC−8IR kit, T−RC−76 kit, T−RC−78 kit, Kramer K−Able Box (furniture−mounted cable extension).