Opal Tough Frost
Light Opal Tough Frost
Tough White Diffusion
1/2 Tough White Diffusion
1/4 Tough White Diffusion
Silent Frost
Roll 1.22m x 7.62m
Roll 1.22m x 7.62m
Roll 1.52m x 6.10m
Quarter Tough spun Diffusion material
Full Tough Spun Diffusion material
Half Tough Spun. Diffusion material
Pocket for rolling for 12 rolls color filter film to 122 cm. Transparent pocket. Dimensions 134cm x 75cm. Weight 1.8kg.
Fluorescent 5700K. Converts tungsten to fluorescent light of 5700K (cool white/daylight). Used with camera filter
Fluorescent 4300K. Converts tungsten to fluorescent light of 4300K (white). Used with camera filter
Fluorescent 3600K. Converts tungsten to fluorescent light of 3600K (warm white). Used with camera filter
Full Plus Green. Provides a green cast when used on daylight and tungsten sources for partial balancing with fluorescent. (Approximately equivalent to CC30 green camera filter)
Half Plus Green. Provides a green cast when used on daylight and tungsten sources for partial balancing with fluorescent. (Approximately equivalent to CC15 green camera filter)
Quarter Plus Green. Provides a green cast when used on daylight and tungsten sources for partial balancing with fluorescent. (Approximately equivalent to CC075 green camera filter)
Full Minus Green. Used for eliminating green cast caused by fluorescent lighting on film. (Approximately equivalent to CC30 magenta camera filter)
Half Minus Green. Used for eliminating green cast caused by fluorescent lighting on film. (Approximately equivalent to CC15 magenta camera filter)
Light Frost. Light frost effect
Eighth Plus Green. Provides a green cast when used on daylight and tungsten sources for partial balancing with fluorescent. (Approximately equivalent to CC0375 green camera filter)
Eighth CT Straw. Converts daylight to tungsten with yellow bias 6500k to 5700k
Three Quarter CT Orange. Converts daylight 6500K to tungsten light 3600K
0.15 Neutral Density. Reduces light Half stop without changing colour
1.2 Neutral Density. Reduces light 4 stops without changing colour
Full CT Straw. Converts daylight to tungsten with yellow bias 6500k to 3200k
Half CT Straw. Converts daylight to tungsten with yellow bias 6500k to 4300k
Quater CT Straw. Converts daylight to tungsten with yellow bias 6500k to 5100k
C.I.D. ( To Tungsten ) Converts CID to 3200K, use with tungsten film
F3 Frost Soft light effect (75 micron)
.3ND 1.524m x 6.1m (60 x 20ft)
.9ND 1.524m x 6.1m (60 x 20ft)
0.15ND 1.524m x 6.1m (60 x 20ft)
1.2 Neutral Density Reduces light 4 stops without changing colour 1.524mtrs x 6.09mtrs (60" x 20ft)
C.S.I. ( To Tungsten ) Converts CSI to 3200K, use with tungsten film
Three Quarter CT Blue. Converts tungsten 3200K to daylight 5000K
H.M.I. ( To Tungsten ) Converts HMI to 3200K, use with tungsten film
Double CT Blue. Converts tungsten 3200K to daylight 26000K
Super White Flame Green. Converts white flame arc to 3200K, for use with tungsten film
Quarter CT Blue. Converts tungsten 3200K to daylight 3600K
Full CT Orange. Converts daylight 6500K to tungsten light 3200K
Half CT Orange. Converts daylight 6500K to tungsten light 3800K
0.6 Neutral Density. Reduces light 2 stops without changing colour
0.9 Neutral Density. Reduces light 3 stops without changing colour
N.D. Frost. Soft light effect with neutral density (75 micron)
Quarter Minus Green. Used for eliminating green cast caused by fluorescent lighting on film. (Approximately equivalent to CC075 magenta camera filter)
Eighth Minus Green. Used for eliminating green cast caused by fluorescent lighting on film. (Approximately equivalent to CC0375 magenta camera filter)
Heavy Frost. Used for soft light effect 75 micron
0.3 Neutral Density. Reduces light 1 stop without changing colour
CT Orange + .3 ND. Converts daylight to tungsten 6500K to 3200K and reduces light 1 stop
Blue Frost. Used for soft light effect increases colour temperature slightly (75 micron)
CT Orange + .6 ND. Converts daylight to tungsten 6500K to 3200K and reduces light 2 stops
U.V. Transmission of less than 50% at 410nms
Daylight Blue Frost. Soft light effect with tungsten correction using full CT Blue (75 micron)
Eighth CT Orange. Converts daylight 6500K to tungsten light 5550K
White Frost. Used for soft light effect (75 micron)
Fluorescent Green. General tungsten to fluorescent correction for use when fluorescent colour temperature Is unknown, to provide medium correction. Used with colour correction filter
Eighth CT Blue. Converts tungsten 3200K to daylight 3400K
White Flame Green. Corrects white flame carbon arcs by absorbing U.V.
L.C.T. Yellow. Reduces colour temperature of low carbon arcs to 3200K
Super Correction L.C.T. Yellow. Converts yellow carbon arc (of low colour temperature) to tungsten
Bright Red Cycloramas
Pink Carnation. Soft cool pastel pink, good for back lighting
Medium Red Cycloramas
PLASA Red Cycloramas
No Colour Pink. Musical revues, warm wash lighting, colourwash
Light Pink. Musical revues, warm wash lighting, colourwash
Medium Pink. Front of house lanterns
Lavender Moonlight, strong backlighting
Dark Magenta. Very strong pink, good for backlighting
Rose Purple. Musical revues, discos, cycloramas
Medium Purple
Light Lavender. Set dressing, pantomimes and musicals
Paler Lavender. Slightly cool wash
Mist Blue. Night scenes, cool wash
Pale Blue. Cycloramas, cool wash
Scarlet. Pantomime, ballroom sets, fire effects
Sunset. Red Warm stage wash - TV studio wash - Sunset effect
Cosmetic Highlight. Pale tints complementary to key lighting
Dark Amber Backlight
Rust. A vivid rust colour effect
Gold Amber. Fire effect sunset
Just Blue Cycloramas
Dark Yellow Green. Highlighting for forest scenes
Primary Red. Strong red effect, cycloramas
Primary Green, Cycloramas
Moonlight Blue. Moonlight, cycloramas
Argent Blue. LSIs Silver Anniversary colour. Great for a foreboding cold winter's night, but allows enough light transmission to be useful for general illuminance too.
Rose Pink. Strong pink wash cycloramas
Medium Amber. Late sunlight
Lavender Tint. Subtle cool wash for stage and studio Lighting
Pale Yellow Sunlight
Dark Salmon. Enhances dark skin tones, sunsets, ballroom sets
Pale Amber Gold. Late sunlight
Medium Yellow Sunlight effect
Surprise Peach. Skin tones - mood light
Fire. Disco effect - fire effect
Sky Blue. Night effect, cycloramas