Portabrace HK-1/DC - Hiker Backpack



Hiker Backpack, Directors Cut

Visuals Preis :

874,80 CHF

945,66 CHF inkl. MwSt.  

Garantie: garantie Visuals Garantie: 24 Monate
Interner Service: Revision, Reparatur & Backup.

Verfügbarkeit: clock

Lieferzeit binnen 8 bis 10 Wochen

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kontaktieren Sie uns für Alternativen: 043 255 59 00.

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Mehr Infos  

The hiker backpack camera case is designed for videographers who have to travel long distances or just want to keep their hands free. The case has a plastic frame making it strong and light. The camera is securely held in place by a tie-down strap and an adjustable shelf. The back pack has pockets for the Tripods plate, extra tape and batteries. Shoulder straps are stored in a zippered compartment. The backpack can be carried over the shoulder with the optional HB-40 Shoulder Strap. There are adjustable dividers included inside the backpack to help you organize your and section off your gear.


- Director's Cut soft suede strap & bronzed hardware
- Full perimeter Honey-comb Armored Frame
- Full system backpack harness with lumbar support
- Harness Hide-away system for hand carry
- Large External Pockets

    Rufen Sie uns an!

  • GE : + 41 22 561 07 07
  • ZH : + 41 43 255 59 00
  • TI   : + 41 91 985 25 11
