Kinoflo - Celeb 450Q SnapBag w/ 2 x Diffusion

Kinoflo DFS-CE400Q-S - Celeb 450Q SnapBag w/ 2 x Diffusion



Celeb 450Q SnapBag w/ 2 x Diffusion
Herstellerpreis :
1 064,75 CHF exkl. MwSt.

Visuals Preis :

958,28 CHF

1 035,90 CHF inkl. MwSt.  

Garantie: garantie Visuals Garantie: 24 Monate
Interner Service: Revision, Reparatur & Backup.

Verfügbarkeit: clock

Lieferzeiten von 4 bis 6 Wochen

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Mehr Infos  

The Kino Flo Celeb 450Q SnapBag with 2x Diffusion does not require a special mounting ring or extra mounting accessories. Simply pop it open and attach to the Celeb with straps. The reflective inside material intensifies the LED light output. The removable grid cloth attaches to the inside with Velcro. Creates a large, soft light source. Perfect for lighting interviews or lighting larger areas.

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  • GE : + 41 22 561 07 07
  • ZH : + 41 43 255 59 00
  • TI   : + 41 91 985 25 11
