Profoto - Fresnel Small

Profoto P100719 - Fresnel Small



Profoto P100719 - Fresnel Small
This specialized accessory is supplied with a high-quality 200mm Fresnel lens to project a...
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Herstellerpreis :
1 470,03 CHF exkl. MwSt.

Visuals Preis :

1 425,93 CHF

1 541,43 CHF inkl. MwSt.  

Garantie: garantie Visuals Garantie: 24 Monate
Interner Service: Revision, Reparatur & Backup.

Verfügbarkeit: clock Lieferzeit binnen 2 bis 4 Wochen

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Mehr Infos  
This high-quality Fresnel lens with integrated iris diaphragm is a precision tool for creating light and is ideal for lighting cinematic scenes. The medium-sized Fresnel lens bathes your scenes in cinematic light while imitating the characteristics of sunlight. The Fresnel Small produces a clear, sharp beam of light and, thanks to the integrated, adjustable iris diaphragm, you control the light exactly as you want it. Adjust the diaphragm to create a balanced exposure from a distance or to achieve sharp contrasts, and trust the dramatic effect. In addition, the ventilated housing and robust technology make the Fresnel Small a long-lasting light shaping tool
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