Blueshape CMPOD - Universal Charger For MINI-DV LI-ION Batteries



Universal chargr base for MINI-DV li-ion batteries provided with ACDC adapter and...
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Herstellerpreis :
53,63 CHF exkl. MwSt.

Visuals Preis :

26,81 CHF

28,98 CHF inkl. MwSt.  

Garantie: garantie Visuals Garantie: 24 Monate
Interner Service: Revision, Reparatur & Backup.

Verfügbarkeit: clock 1 Stück auf Lager

Achtung: Letzte(s) verfügbare(s) Stück(e)!

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Mehr Infos  

The basis of universal charge is designed with a range of interchangeable adapters to accommodate different battery models MiniDV. The adapters can be installed and removed in seconds. 

CMPOD is under a dual power solution: a small external adapter AC-DC, and a net cigarette lighter adapter for in-car use. 

The compact design makes it practical and convenient to put it in your bag: ideal for travel. 

The charge is displayed through a single LED. Power requirement: DC 12V 7.2VA Output: DC 8.4V 850mA Dimensions: 105 x 75 x 35mm Weight: 95g (without power supply)

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