Sony - Wireless Remote Commander

Sony RMTDSLR2.CE - Wireless Remote Commander



Sony RMTDSLR2.CE - Wireless Remote Commander
The Wireless Remote Commander from Sony is a multi-function remote control that is...
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Herstellerpreis :
26,83 CHF exkl. MwSt.

Visuals Preis :

24,38 CHF

26,35 CHF inkl. MwSt.  

Garantie: garantie Visuals Garantie: 24 Monate
Interner Service: Revision, Reparatur & Backup.

Verfügbarkeit: clock Lieferzeit binnen 2 bis 4 Wochen

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Mehr Infos  

Designed for SLT and Compact System Cameras (NEX). Compatible with a range of NEX and SLT cameras so you can take control of photo and movie composition from a distance

Stop and start the movie action. With wireless controls to stop and start movies you can direct the action while your camera stays in the perfect shooting position

Perfect for self-portraits and wildlife shots. With a wireless infrared connection you can release the shutter when you’re in the shot or hidden away from the camera

Totally avoid camera shake. With the remote commander, you can remotely and accurately release the shutter without touching your camera

Capture different types of image. Self-portraits are simple, and long-exposure shots are possible with the remote two-second shutter release

View images and control settings remotely. You’ll find it a handy way to watch slideshows, movies and adjust settings without touching your camera

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  • GE : + 41 22 561 07 07
  • ZH : + 41 43 255 59 00
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