Mackie Big Knob Studio - Studio Monitor Controller and Interface



Big Knob Studio Monitor Controller and Interface from Mackie is a monitor-control solution...
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Mackie Big Knob Studio Monitor Controller and Interface


The Big Knob Studio Monitor Controller and Interface from Mackie is a monitor-control solution and interface, that allows you to choose between three audio input sources and two monitor pairs. It can be used for project and professional studios and is designed to increase your workflow for recording and mixing applications.

It features a built-in 2x2 USB recording interface with two Onyx mic preamps and phantom power for condenser microphones. Recording and playback is at 24-bit/192 kHz resolution and the cue mix allows for controlled blending of direct inputs with other signals for zero-latency recording. Choice of recording paths provide flexibility for applications like podcasting and more.

Additionally, other features include flexible source connections, a convenient 1/8" input for your smartphone, dual headphone outs with independent level control, a built-in talkback mic, and 16-segment high-resolution input source metering. Finally, with its sturdy and built-like-a-tank design, the interface is compatible with all major DAWs on both Mac and Windows platforms. The Big Knob Studio Monitor Controller and Interface includes Tracktion recording software.


Professional Source and Monitor Selection

- Choose between 3 sources and 2 monitor pairs

- Classic Big Knob volume control

- Independent trim on all sources and monitor outs

- Mono, mute and dim functions


Flexible 2X2 USB Recording Interface

- Two boutique-quality Onyx mic preamps including phantom power for condenser microphones

- High-resolution 192kHz / 24-bit recording and playback

- Cue mix allows controlled blending of direct inputs with other signals for zero-latency recording


Comprehensive Feature Set for Professional Studios

- Flexible source connections including convenient 1/8” input for your smartphone

- Dual headphone outs with independent level control

- Built-in talkback mic for easy communication with artists

- 16-segment high-resolution input source metering

- Compatible with all major DAWs on both Mac and Windows platforms




Input/Output Signal Sources

3 x 2


2 x 2 recording interface


24-bit/192 kHz




Dedicated Studio Out: No

Headphone Outputs

2 x 1/4" (6.3 mm) outputs


Not specified by manufacturer


Not specified by manufacturer

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