Rode LAVALIERII - Omnidirectional Lavalier Microphone



With its custom-engineered capsule and low-profile form factor, the black Rode Lavalier II...
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Herstellerpreis :
94,71 CHF exkl. MwSt.

Visuals Preis :

80,50 CHF

87,02 CHF inkl. MwSt.  

Garantie: garantie Visuals Garantie: 24 Monate
Interner Service: Revision, Reparatur & Backup.

Verfügbarkeit: clock 10 Stück auf Lager

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Acoustic & Electrical Specifications  
Acoustic Principle Permanently Polarized
Active Electronics JFET Impedance Converter
Polar Pattern Omni-directional
Capsule 6mm
Frequency Range 20Hz - 20KHz
Output Impedance 2K2Ω
Signal-to-Noise Ratio 67 dB
Equivalent Noise Level (A-Weighted) 27dBA Typical
Maximum SPL 106 dB SPL RMS (Plug-In Power, 1% THD)

120 dB SPL RMS (Plug-In Power, 10% THD)
Maximum Output Level 50mV (@ 1kHz, 1% THD into 1KΩ load)
Sensitivity -38 dB re 1 Volt/Pascal (12.59 mV @ 94 dB SPL) +/- 3 dB @ 1kHz
Dynamic Range 79 dB Typical
Power Requirements 1.8v to 5v Plugin Power
Mechanical Specifications  
Weight (g) 9
Cable Length (millimetres) 1200

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