Vizrt - Connect Pro

Vizrt NDIConnectPro - Connect Pro



Connect Pro

Nostro prezzo :

970,13 CHF

1 048,71 CHF (IVA incl.)  

Guarantee: garantie Visuals Guarantee 24 Months
In-house aftersales service: update, repair and backup.

Availability: clock Generalmente spedito entro 2 o 4 settimane

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The master key of modern production.

Transform your workflow, adding channels and emerging technologies with the only universal IP video translation solution—Viz Connect Pro. A four-channel software application supporting any combination of formats and standards to include NDI®, ASPEN, and SMPTE 2022, Viz Connect Pro allows you to use a standard PC to serve video across your network to and from hundreds of compatible systems and devices for switching, streaming, display, and distribution.

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  • GE : + 41 22 561 07 07
  • ZH : + 41 43 255 59 00
  • TI   : + 41 91 985 25 11
