Genarts GA-STIME - Sapphire Time Unit



Sapphire Time Unit
Prezzo al produttore :
259,35 CHF (IVA escl.)

Nostro prezzo :

251,57 CHF

271,95 CHF (IVA incl.)  

Guarantee: garantie Visuals Guarantee 0 Months
In-house aftersales service: update, repair and backup.

Availability: clock Generalmente spedito entro 2 o 4 settimane

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Retime - Smoothly slow down or speed up time with the Sapphire optical flow retimer.
TimeWarpRGB - Shifts the red, green, and blue channels in time by different amounts to give a temporal chroma distortion.
TimeSlice- Divides the output frame into slices, where each slice receives a different frame from the source clip.
TimeAverage - Each output frame is the average of multiple input frames: from the current frame, back to a given number of previous frames
Cut To Dissolve - Turns a cut without handles within a single clip into a dissolve.
RepairFrames - Repairs one or more frames of a clip by replacing them with a time-warped version of the surrounding frames.
RandomEdits - Randomly re-edits the entire source clip. The shuffling is random but repeatable.
FieldRemove - Adaptively removes video field interlacing artifacts from areas with motion, without blurring the stationary parts of the image.
Flicker - Scales the colors of the source clip by different amounts over time for a flickering effect.
FlickerMatch - Adds flicker to the Source clip using the flicker from a second Match clip.
FlickerRemove - Removes temporal flickering from the Source clip
Feedback - Frames are mixed from the past and future to create a beautiful feedback effect.
See the details tab for all included effects.

Sapphire Units are only available as a perpetual license.

Sapphire Units are multi-host. One license gives users access to all supported hosts on the same machine.

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  • GE : + 41 22 561 07 07
  • ZH : + 41 43 255 59 00
  • TI   : + 41 91 985 25 11
