Kupo - Euro to Mitchell 3-way Leveler

Kupo - Euro to Mitchell 3-way Leveler

Kupo KSC-300 - Euro to Mitchell 3-way Leveler



Euro to Mitchell 3-way Leveler

Nostro prezzo :

1 570,77 CHF

1 698,00 CHF (IVA incl.)  

Guarantee: garantie Visuals Guarantee 24 Months
In-house aftersales service: update, repair and backup.

Availability: clock

Generalmente spedito in12 settimane

Order now and we will deliver as soon as possible,
or please contact us on 022 561 07 07 for other arrangements.

- +

    Hai bisogno di aiuto,
    Hai bisogno di finanziamenti,
    Chiamateci !

  • GE : + 41 22 561 07 07
  • ZH : + 41 43 255 59 00
  • TI   : + 41 91 985 25 11
